Coaching journey – what is it all about?

People have started to understand that simple and fast solutions do not help in building sustainable wellbeing. There is tons of information available from different health topics and many already have enough knowledge. The problem is that how to put everything into action and to see clearly, what exactly needs attention and what needs to change. We become blind to our own life and to our habits. This is the moment when we easily fall to these quick fix programs or start to change something superficially. Instead this should be the moment when you start to dig in deeper to your life and notice what is going on. If you think that it is difficult to see the issue, this is the perfect moment to contact an experienced coach. I’ve worked with so many clients that it is easy to ask the right questions, to see the bigger picture and to identify what kind of actions needs to be done. 

Often clients struggle with lack of motivation, overload or even bigger challenges that affect their whole life and wellbeing in many different levels. In the coaching journey it is  necessary and essential to go through all the different aspects of life from relationships to one’s meaning of life in order to get to the access to the habits and thoughts that prevents to do  the change.



What is the coaching journey all about?


1. Coaching journey begins with a wish or desire for a change.

2. As a coach, I form as holistic understanding as possible about the client’s life to be able to find the best tools and ways towards the right path. 

3. What is essential for the client, is to have a strong motivation and commitment towards and during the program. 

4. The task of the coach is to be present for the client throughout the journey to provide all the guidance and support needed. 

5. The coaching journey is just a start for a lifelong process that will continue infinitely. In the end of the journey we will have a review and make sure that client has all the tools needed to continue their journey. 


Remember that the only constant in life is change


When we deep dive into our lives, we often start to shake our foundations. This is the way we allow change to happen and is often needed to build something new. The journey is not always easy. It is also about accepting uncomfortable emotions and thoughts which come when the old habits and thought patterns aren’t serving us anymore. 


I highly recommend people to start an extensive coaching journey and to find a more sustainable wellbeing to their lives. It’s an investment that you are not going to regret. In the end you are able to be your own best coach. 

If this started to sound interesting, don’t hesitate to contact me. We can just have a chat and I would love to hear your thoughts.